The Technology:

Swinergy is Growing the Future of Agriculture and Energy

Understanding Swinergy

Today’s agriculture is still using an anaerobic digestion technology that dates back to Babylonia. Our proprietary system does more than slap a green logo on old ideas and gives farmers and their communities a solution that turns waste to wealth.

Eliminating Waste

Swinergy’s technology solves today’s greatest environmental problem: we innovate on traditional anaerobic digestion to build a scalable system that can process waste in a fraction of the time and double the extraction efficiency of current systems.

Providing Clean Energy

Our carbon net-negative process harnesses the power of methane released by waste. We’re developing a plant capable of producing power at the same reliability and cost as fossil fuel options, literally turning waste into wealth.

Helping Farmers

  • Economizing Land: We build an off-site plant and collect the waste, so farmers don’t have to use their own land.

  • Wealth Creation: We share profits from power generation with our partners, providing farmers with passive income.

  • Zero capital-cost: We do not require any capital to set-up, maintain, or share profits from Swinergy’s operation.

  • Passive Production: We take care of the operation and set-up, letting farmers focus on operating their farms.